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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Field note clarification

Hi again,

As it says on the syllabus, "Each set of field notes submitted in a week should be turned in as ONE email; put all the field notes for a week (if you're going to the site more than once) in a SINGLE file, and copy and paste the entire file into the body of the email as well."

To clarify, the requirement is to complete five individual field notes, each of which document one week's worth of tutoring. So if you go to a site on Tuesday and Friday, your field note for that week will address events (and generate data) for Tuesday and Friday. How you combine this is up to you, but I recommend you split them into days, with one part of the field note discussing Tuesday and the other part discussing Thursday (a general observation, focused observation, and reflection for each day). This isn't necessary, but, since these field notes are data for your case study, it's better to have more data as separated by dates. If you'd like to combine the information for the week, that's fine, too, and you won't be penalized or rewarded either way.

I hope this helps, but if you have further questions, please comment on this blog so that your peers can benefit from the exchange, too.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I apologize for misinforming many of you. I thought that the written documentation for each, individual, visit constituted one full field note. I was wrong: to be clear, one week's worth of visits results in 1 field note. I apologize for any inconvenience this misinformation may have caused.

  3. What if we are likely to get the 45 hours in less than 5 weeks? I'm planning on working with the OMI for at least 15 hours per week. That will only allow me to produce 3 field notes by the instructions given. Clarification is requested.
