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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Welcome to the Summer ED140 blog!

Pertinent information on blog entries

       Each week students in this section will be responsible for answering one of two (posted) reading-related questions; these questions will come directly from the readings for that week. Your responses should demonstrate some understanding of the material in question; that is to say, I am less interested in whether or not you liked the assigned articles (though I hope you do), than I am in your ability to identify and critically analyze the positions/main arguments presented within the texts.          

      However, if you do not find my questions particularly compelling and wish to pose your own instead, you are welcome to do so. Your query (in order to earn the full two points) must ask an important question and provide context as to why you have deemed the question “worth asking”. Likewise, if you opt to address a post from one of your classmates (in detail) rather than answer the assigned questions, this too is acceptable. I want this blog to be our dialogue; so, to be clear I am disinterested in twenty-plus, slightly differently-worded answers to the same two questions. I much prefer and feel it is far more  helpful to have class-wide, multi-layered conversations on the texts that will be covering.

So now I’ll get to what you really care about...

In order to receive the full 2 points:

·         Each entry should be at least 200 words, (but no more than 350 words).
·         Spelling and grammar matter.
·         Avoid summarizing in your responses; instead, offer an analysis of the text.

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