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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

From Michael Appis at OMI

Good News.....
OMI now has a service that makes the live scan free to the education students volunteering at OMI. 
All they have to do is attain the paperwork from me and call the live scan operator for an appointment.  The live scan operators are open from Mondahy through Saturday.  They are local and the address is 2141 Broadway #2, Oakland, CA 94612.  Interested people have to call for an appointment---and take the paperwork from OMI with them for their appointment.  I will send copies of the documents to you later on, and to the four students that attended first and second round of orientation via e-mail.  I am holding a third orientaiton on Monday, July 18 at 5:30 pm.  If you have any interested students let them know. 
They can e-mail me or call my cell phone at 909-838-5649.

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