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Saturday, July 30, 2011

IMPORTANT: Clarification on remaining blog entry

Hello all,
   I just want to provide some clarity regarding the final blog entry. You are supposed to complete five blog entries for this course. The syllabus asks for six entries; that is my mistake. We did not require an entry the first week (because you had yet to read any of the course material). So, then, at a rate of one entry per week, we are limited to five total entries.

Now on to the final blog assignment: we really wanted to give you all a "break" since you had so much going on last week. So, we decided to forego the blog entry assignment for this week. As a result, there can only be a maximum of four entries total. Enter the final blog question: this particular question is intended to elicit a more substantial, substantive response than the questions that were based on course readings, precisely because it asks you to critically reflect on your time at your field site by centering race and, subsequently, discussing the dynamic/s that were informed by it. Consequently, the minimum word length is doubled. This question, then, constitutes (i.e., counts as) two entries.

Here's how the math works:

Initially there were five entries required, each one worth up to four points. However, because we skipped a week there are three, each worth up to four points for a total of twelve possible points. Thus, in order to get to twenty total points, the final blog entry will be worth up to eight points (not six, as I'd previously posted).

The response to this question is due by August 10th, by 5:00pm; however, please feel free to turn it in anytime prior to the due date.

Please let me know if there are still lingering questions.

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