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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Readings for Boal

  • Boal is, seemingly, arguing for a particular kind of theatrical literacy, which he asserts will work to emancipate the oppressed/repressed; do you feel that this postulation is plausible? That is to say, do you agree that his conception of a theater (for) of the oppressed can truly work to emancipate oppressed, marginalized students?
  • It has been passionately and cogently argued Boal, as well as by an esteemed group of anti-colonial, feminist, and critical race theorist, that oppressed people, irrespective of geographical locale, share a common loss of control over their bodies. What does this mean?
  • And, how can a theater of the oppressed work to empower the oppressed, so that they can repudiate their position as spectators and instead become protagonist (thus, effectively, reclaiming their bodies)?

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