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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tuesday/Thursday Reading Presentation Groups

Hi Tuesday/Thursday crew,

Here are the groups for next week's reading presentations.
Group 1: Zack; Jisu; Chinyere; Nayiri
Group 2: Donna; Anna; Chih-Han
Group 3: Andre; Jashley; Yeri
Group 4: Nic; Tarchie; Astrid
Group 5: Patti; Phillip; Preunky
Group 6: Tiffany; Glen; Michael

I'm really looking forward to learning about your ideas next week!


  1. I'm in the Tuesday/Thursday section and am not placed in a group. what can I do to get into one?

  2. Because your screen name is "unknown", I am not sure who you are. I cannot place you until I have a name; so please pick a screen name, then email to let me know who the screen name belongs to.
