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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Presentation information

Hello all,
     Below is a list of the (arbitrarily) placed groups for the MWF class. After I speak with Nora, either she or I will post a list of the groups for the TTH class. Expect that this evening or early tomorrow morning. Each group will be responsible for constructing a concept map of their, respective, assigned reading. Of course, this assignment is something that you can work on outside of class with your group (or pairs, as is the case with the MWF class); however, I will allow in-class time for the construction of concept maps. In order to ensure the quality of your presentation, make it a point to do a close/thorough reading of your assigned text before begin working on the group concept map.

    Regarding blog responses: please reply to one of the blog prompts from any reading this week except for your assigned reading. All of the questions for this week will be posted by noon tomorrow. In order to locate the prompts, should they not be readily available, simply use the search box in the upper left hand corner of the blog. This week your response will be due by Monday morning, before class.

Here are the groups/pairs for the MWF class:

Bogdan, R.C., & Biklen, S.K. (1998).
Edwen Lee
Kim Millan

Hilfiker, David. (2002).
Daniel Seok
Anna Kite

Scribner, S. (1988).
Sequoia Hall
Michelle Chen

Hull, G. (2003).
Lauchlin Cruickshanks
Sarah Phillips

Vygotsky, L. (1978)
Mary Wen
Ruby Lee

Bakhtin, M. (1994).
Eileen Yi
Yei-Lehsee Gausi
Jeremiah Sims

I will also cover Gee and Cushman.

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